Our candidate for the #SakharovPrize prize has made it to the shortlist. This year, we support the Democratic Opposition in #Venezuela pic.twitter.com/J1mlCQnT4O
— EPP Group (@EPPGroup) October 10, 2017
DVFN is pleased to inform that the Venezuelan democratic opposition has been shortlisted to the Sakharov prize.
The democratic opposition in Venezuela
It includes the Bureau of Democratic Unity, chaired by Julio Borges, an electoral coalition formed in 2008 to unify opposition to the political party of President Hugo Chavez, and to all political prisoners listed by the Venezuelan Criminal Forum, represented by Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma, Daniel Ceballos, Yon Goicoechea, Lorent Saleh, Alfredo Ramos and Andrea González.
The situation in Venezuela has seriously deteriorated in terms of democracy, human rights and socioeconomics, in a climate of growing political and social instability. "Political prisoners in Venezuela, as well as democratic opposition in Venezuela" were also shortlisted for the Sakharov Prize in 2015.
On 14 September, DVFN participated in a lecture about the Venezuelan crisis by Prof Edgardo Lander at the UiO and a talk with a panel of experts at the Nobel Peace Center. Both events were organized by NorLarnet.
On 15 September, DVFN collaborated with NorLarnet in the arrangement of an informal workshop to discuss root causes and possible solutions to the Venezuelan crisis. The meeting took place in Mesh. DVFN was impressed with the engagement and in-depth knowledge of the Venezuelan situation displayed by the Norwegian experts including Benedict Bull, Leiv Marsteintredet, Aslak Orre and by the officials from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Caritas, Nansen Fredssenter and NRC to name a few. Former Norwegian ambassador to Venezuela, Dag Mork Ulnes, was also present
On 6 June 2017, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) set up a team to document and report on human rights violations in the context of mass protests in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela occurred between April 1 and July 31, 2017.
Oslo 17. juli 2017 - In an unprecedented exercise of democracy, Venezuelans voted yesterday against dictatorship. In a worldwide movement organized only by volunteers, more than 7 million votes were cast with only 2 weeks preparation and no resources or funding from the state. In Norway, voting was organized in 4 centers in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim totaling 416 votes. DVFN organized and coordinated the activities in Oslo where 183 votes were cast. People from other cities in Norway made their journey to Oslo to vote and even travelers arriving on a cruise showed up to confirm their request for new elections and the need for change. DVFN wishes to thank observers and journalists for their support and of course all voters for showing up in a spirit of hope and fraternity
Rodrigo Suarez
Oslo 11. juli 2017 - "Vi ønsker å informere om at DVFN (den venezuelanske foreningen i Norge) den 28. juni 2017 møtte høytstående tjenestemenn i det norske Utenriksdepartementet for å diskutere den alvorlige situasjonen i Venezuela. På møtet drøftet vi de alvorlige brudd på menneskerettighetene og den forferdelige humanitære krisen som Venezuela opplever. Vi takker den norske regjeringen for å lytte, og for å tilby støtte slik at landet kan komme ut av krisen. Vi ønsker også velkommen uttalelsen av 1. juli 2017 fra Utenriksministeren Børge Brende som tar avstand fra og fordømmer de udemokratiske handlinger fra Venezuelas regjering."
"Nos complace informar que nuestro grupo se reunió el pasado 28 de Junio con importantes funcionarios de la Cancillería Noruega para discutir la grave situación de Venezuela. En la reunión hicimos énfasis especial en la grave violacion de Derechos Humanos y la terrible crisis humanitaria que vive Venezuela. Agradecemos al gobierno noruego por escucharnos, y el apoyo que nos dan para que Venezuela salga de la crisis. Igualmente, aplaudimos el pronunciamiento del Ministro el 01.07.17 contra la conductas antidemocraticas del Gobierno".
"We are pleased to inform that representatives of our group had a meeting on 28 June with top officials of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the Venezuelan situation. The focus was on the serious violation of human rights and terrible humanitarian crisis that Venezuelan people are going through. We are grateful to the Norwegian government for listening to our concerns and for offering support. We also welcome the statement on 1st July by Minister Børge Brende condemninmg the anti-democratic moves of the Venezuelan government and highlighting the need to find solutions"